Aquaculture is the world’s most diverse farming practice in terms of species, farming methods, intensity level, and is one of the most sustainable ways of providing animal protein to some of the 8.5bn people expected to populate Earth by 2030. While aquaculture on a global scale is booming, its growth in the EU is stagnant— something the European Commission would like to change.

Six EU projects, AlgaePro Banos, AWARE, Baltic Muppets, EUMOFA, FishEUTrust, and SAFE, dealing with various aspects of aquaculture, will be present at the shared Eurofish organised stand 33-35 at AQUA2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark on 26-30 August. The AQUA events are held every six years and comprise a scientific conference, trade exhibition, industry forums, workshops, and student events highlighting the latest aquaculture research and innovation. Visit us to learn how we seek to accelerate growth in EU aquaculture.

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